Emergency & Safety Information

Safety and Emergency Information at HNHS

Ensuring the safety of students, staff, and guests at Holy Names High School is of the utmost importance. The HNHS Emergency Operations Procedure has been developed to safeguard our community and to maximize our ability to effectively respond to a variety of emergencies.

The best resource we have for the school’s safety is good communication. Disseminating accurate information and communicating emergency actions before, during, and after an emergency is a high priority.

Holy Names High School maintains an Emergency Operations Procedure manual, that meets current Federal, State and Local agency standards, and is reviewed yearly and updated as needed.

Safety Communication

In the event of an emergency, Holy Names High School will contact parents/guardians via the SchoolReach Messaging System. Announcements will be made by automated email, phone, and text messages. It is important that your contact information and preferences are up to date. Current parents/guardians can update using the Student Contact Information Form by emailing [email protected] or calling Marisol Rodriguez at 510.450.1110 ext.108 with any contact information changes.

During an emergency, please do not approach the campus or area where the incident is occurring as it may impede the response of emergency and school personnel and result in further danger. It is imperative that phone calls are not made to the school or your daughter’s personal cell phone. We will need to keep lines available for emergency personnel and need your daughter’s full attention to ensure her safety while emergency announcements are made. HNHS may determine it is necessary to secure the campus allowing only emergency response personnel access. Should an evacuation be made, parents will be contacted with instructions on when and where their daughters should be picked up.

This website will also post real-time updates and communication with parents and our community.